Your smile is the initial impression a person sees after they meet you! Besides that, it’s a great barometer for people just meeting you to gauge how approachable you are and your confidence level! When you smile, those pearly whites get most of the attention – so keeping them healthy is incredibly important for your overall dental health and hygiene.
So how do we obtain and keep that great, beautiful smile? Well, Dr. Brittany Dickinson and her team are here to help with 6 tips to keep you feeling and looking great!
1. Regular dentist visits (the obvious one, right?) Though it’s essential to go to the dentist at least twice a year, new studies are showing that adults can benefit from seeing their dentist (and hygienist) every 90 days! Without great brushing habits, preserving your beautiful smile can be difficult as all the bacteria that had been cleaned out during your last dental cleaning can come back.
2. Create a brushing routine! It’s good to create a brushing routine for yourself. Maintaining good oral health and a clean mouth are essential to a beautiful smile. Dr. Dickinson recommends brushing your teeth at minimum twice a day, for two to three minutes. You definitely should be brushing once in the morning and once before bed, and if possible, after snacks. It’s also important to use the correct brushing routine and follow up with a good mouthwash.
3. Don’t forget to floss! Flossing helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. Remember to floss before brushing. Flossing rids your mouth of any food or bacteria that is stuck in between your teeth and helps to prevent cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and more.
4. Gum can actually help (contrary to what mom may have told you) Chewing on sugar-free gum between meals can help protect your teeth and gums, reducing the amount of acid from the foods and drinks that attack your teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum also cleans your teeth while reducing germs at times where you can’t brush – like when flying to Los Angeles as a winner in our drawing! Have you signed up yet?
5. Watch your diet. Avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. Drinks such as coffee, tea, and soda are known to stain healthy white teeth. Teeth stain because the enamel is destroyed and regular brushing and flossing can’t work hard enough to restore the natural radiance of your smile.
6. Natural plaque-fighting foods Eat foods that will help protect your teeth. Vegetables and fruits promote good dental health. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in these foods help protect your teeth and gums. Eating crunchy vegetables and fruits helps scrub away plaque naturally, to create a healthier-looking smile!
Practicing good oral hygiene techniques at home can help you maintain that healthy and beautiful smile. If you are looking for a dentist near Chicago that is passionate about your oral health and, call Sugar Fix Dental Loft in Lakeview today at (773) 883-1818, to schedule your next dental appointment.