Invisalign Update from Ashley, a Clinical Assistant at Sugar Fix Dental Loft.
I can see the finish line! Here is a picture back in June on the day that my Invisalign box was delivered to Sugar Fix. I couldn’t wait to get started!! I wrote a blog that day about my thoughts and feelings.
I started my Invisalign treatment in the spring of last year and am now on my last tray. It has been an extremely easy process for me to go through. I am glad I chose to do Invisalign and finally did something about my lower teeth that were so crowded. It is very hard to clean teeth when they are crowded and now I notice that it is getting so much easier.
I am done with my treatment but am going to do some refinement trays to get everything lined up perfectly. (I am such a perfectionist!) Sometimes this happens with Invisalign that at the end of treatment additional aligners are needed. I am thinking only about 3-4 more trays and I will be done by this spring!
I would highly recommend this treatment to anyone who has an interest. In case you wondering, there are creative ways to finance the treatment. (That makes it too easy not to do it!)
My progress photo below shows how awesome my results are so far. At the very end of my treatment, I will post another picture so that you can see my final results. It is extremely important to wear the final tray or have an essix clear retainer made to make sure that the teeth do not relapse and go back to their old crooked ways. Dr. Dickinson recommends wearing them at night every night to ensure there is no reverse tooth movement.
After reading about my experience and seeing my before & after photos, do you feel like you have any questions about Invisalign? Give me a call at the office, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have or talk to you more about my experience!
Stay tuned for my final results!