This post is about a patient’s experience with Invisalign. By Ashley Nelson.
My teeth have started to shift and it has become more noticeable to me in pictures. When I eat, I always feel like I have food stuck in between the teeth that are crooked in the front. Because of this, I recently decided to get Invisalign treatment done.
I know that if I had straight teeth that my confidence would be much higher. I am choosing to do Invisalign because I’m a professional adult and I’d like the most inconspicuous straightening system there is.
I did my homework. The process is very easy. There are a series of photos taken of my teeth, my smile, and my bite. Then some impressions are taken of my teeth. All of those things are sent out to the lab.
Once the lab receives everything, they send us a digital video of the teeth movements that will be taking place over a determined amount of time. For me, my prescribed treatment will be approximately 34 weeks from beginning to end! So make sure you check in on my progress!
The online Clin-Check
A video on the Invisalign website shows the series of aligners and where the teeth will be in each tray. This way, we can monitor the teeth’s movement while each tray is in use. The trays need to be worn for a full 22 hours every day. Obviously, they need to be removed while eating but can stay in when drinking.
Every two weeks then I will be switching out my aligners (trays) to the new set. Sometimes attachments need to be placed on trays to help with the teeth’s movements. I have eight attachments on the top, but the trays are tooth-colored and can’t really be seen so I’m not worried about it.
During treatment
I might expect some soreness because of the tooth movement, but Advil will relieve anything from that.
An added plus for me personally is that I think it will help me a lot with snacking. Because I have to wear the trays all day and then brush my teeth after each time I eat (before re-inserting my trays); I’m hopefully snacking will become a hassle and therefore I won’t as much!
I will be updating the website with progress photos!