Happy Friday!! It’s been a hot week here in the city and looks like our summer heat is here to stay for a bit. Which is more than okay, who doesn’t love summer in Chicago!?
On Monday we had our monthly 4×4 meeting where the Sugar Fix team gather around and we discuss our goals, ideas for expanding our practice, and upcoming smile makeovers! We came together and discussed our recent monthly book review of No Excuses, The Power of Self Discipline by Brian Tracy. Over here at Sugar Fix, we strive to make ourselves and patients the best they can be! We shared with one another how we can use these helpful tools to self-discipline ourselves in our personal life, as well as of course, here at the office. Focusing energy on completing our goals, striving to have a great attitude, and pushing ourselves to perform at our highest potential. So when you come into our office, we want to provide you with all of our services to succeed in a better, brighter smile!
Speaking of wanting our patients to be the best they can be, here at Sugar Fix we are always so excited when one of our patients wants a smile makeover! Our patient had wanted to improve her smile with Invisalign, which is an alternative service we provide here at our office to correct alignment of the teeth or crowding that may have developed. This patient was wanting to change the position of her front tooth to make it more aligned with the others. It turned out amazing!!
We also had a fantastic patient this week to complete her ZOOM! whitening treatment. Her results turned out to be amazing and she was so excited to take a glimpse at her new bright and beautiful smile! She was then able to take home customized trays that we make specifically for Zoom!, where she can do touch-ups for any events or special occasions she may have in the future.
We hope you have a safe and fabulous weekend. Until next time, make sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up with all of our Sugar Fix fun!
The Sugar Fix Team